Trump Deregulatory Review Redux Plus
Trump’s 1-in-10-out executive order threatens necessary regulations and existing constitutional norms.
Seeking Continuous Improvement to the Administrative Process
ACUS identifies best practices for agency guidance, adjudications, and responses to constituent service requests.
Lessons From History Can Help Restore Stability
History suggests that public accountability and institutional checks can restore stability in government.
Government’s Influence on American Economic Development
Scholars respond to a review of their work and expand on the book’s lessons for the future.
Regulatory Legacies and the Potential Limits of Trump 2.0
Shapiro and Tomain’s new book highlights political and economic constraints on the incoming Trump Administration’s ability to achieve its goals.
“Big” Government Protects American Values in a Big Economy
Their definitions and applications have evolved, but core American values have kept government and markets in dynamic equilibrium.
A Sorely Needed Defense of Government’s Possibilities
Government regulation has played a crucial role in developing U.S. industries and improving citizens’ lives.
How Government and Markets Built America Together
Government has always been involved in the evolution of America—and it will likely stay that way.
Week in Review
President Trump mandates health care price transparency, the Supreme Court declines to hear abortion protest cases, and more…
Biden Administration Closes With a Call for New Warning About Alcohol
The Biden Administration’s Surgeon General cited “strong association” between drinking and increased cancer risk regardless of alcohol type.