Resumption of smog litigation, new oil spill investigative report, apple juice safety, and more.
- In the wake of President Obama’s request that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) retreat from its stricter smog standards, the agency informed the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit that pending litigation filed challenging smog standards adopted during the Bush Administration could proceed. See related The Regulatory Review essay.
- A report from a joint investigation by the U.S. Coast Guard and Interior Department (DOI) concluded that “BP, Transocean and Halliburton personnel at critical junctures” could have reduced the chances of the Macondo well explosion that led to the 2010 oil spill.
- A Pennsylvania District Court judge struck down key provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as unconstitutional. See related The Regulatory Review essay.
- The House of Representatives passed a bill to prohibit the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from ordering companies to close up shop or relocate employment.
- The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) responded to a claim raised by The Dr. Oz Show that apple juice allegedly contains arsenic by stating that “there is no evidence of any public health risk.”
- The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) decided that the new Boeing 747-8 will be able to operate in the same class and at the same separation distances as its predecessor 747-400, which is smaller and lighter.
- A poll of energy policy experts suggested that the president may postpone further environmental regulations until after the presidential election.
- The EPA released an environmental justice plan to encourage environmental efforts in low-income communities.
- In an update to Congress, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said that it will need additional funding and more time to implement a study by the Boston Consulting Group that recommends ways the agency could become a more efficient regulator.