Executive order issued to promote energy efficiency, EPA and NHTSA announce stricter mpg standards, and more.
- President Obama signed an Executive Order intended to accelerate green energy policies in industry.
- The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced new vehicle fuel-efficiency standards. See related The Regulatory Review essay.
- The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) proposed lifting advertising prohibition so big funds can publicly offer market private offerings.
- SEC Chairperson Mary Schapiro said she did not have the support of her fellow commissioners to propose new money market reform rules.
- A new report by congressional auditors found that the Department of Interior has “limited” ability to identify and evaluate risks from offshore drilling projects, despite increased oversight.
- The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced it plans to review its rules about the use of mobile electronic devices, such as tablets, e-readers, and laptops, on commercial airline flights.
- A federal court agreed with the Department of Justice that a Texas Republican redistricting map would discriminate against minorities.
- In their acceptance speeches, Republican candidates called for “simplifying and modernizing … regulations” (Mitt Romney) and “tax fairness and regulatory reform” (Paul Ryan).
- The Republican Party’s 2012 platform criticized the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as being out of date. See related The Regulatory Review essay.
- Texas Governor Rick Perry asked the EPA to waive its mandated Renewable Fuel Standard which requires refiners to blend a steadily increasing amount of corn-based ethanol and other biofuels into the nation’s transportation fuel.
- California Senator Dianne Feinstein asked the Federal Trade Commission to investigate gasoline prices in the Golden State, which she believes are higher than they should be.