Executive action on gun safety, battery checks ground Boeing Dreamliners, and more.
- President Obama announced executive actions and legislative proposals to combat gun violence.
- Regulators worldwide ordered the grounding of Boeing 787’s until they could determine what may be causing a new type of battery to fail.
- Federal court took further action to uphold a decision for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ruling to allow higher ethanol blends.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued new mortgage servicing rules that will take effect in 2014.
- The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) upheld preliminary finding that the owners of POM Wonderful pomegranate juice made false claims about the health benefits of their products.
- The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced it will give $1.5 billion to eleven states to aid in setting up health exchanges.
- New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law the first gun control legislation adopted since Sandy Hook.
- The Supreme Court heard oral argument in City of Arlington v. the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), a dispute between local governments and the FCC over the latter’s authority over the application of local zoning.
- The Department of Labor (DOL) issued a new rule meant to avert a repeat of a 2010 West Virginia coalmine explosion that left 29 workers dead.