RegBlog celebrates two years of regulatory news, analysis, and opinion.
Today, The Regulatory Review celebrates its second anniversary!
During these past two years, The Regulatory Review has featured new content at least every business day, for a total of 625 essays addressing every range of policy issue, from financial regulation to telecommunications, and from benefit-cost analysis to open government.
We’re attracting an ever-growing audience spanning 184 different countries, and now The Regulatory Review also reaches busy professionals via its weekly newsletter and active Twitter feed.
We’ve also produced several important symposia over the last two years, including ones focused on regulatory reform in Congress, presidential politics and regulation, and a retrospective on the regulatory work of political scientist James Q. Wilson.
In addition to an editorial and writing staff of outstanding students at the University of Pennsylvania Law School and other schools at Penn, The Regulatory Review‘s contributors have included a variety leading scholars, prominent public officials, and thoughtful practitioners. Consider just a small sample of our many contributors:
Henry R. Silverman Professor, University of Pennsylvania, on defending unpopular privacy. The William K. Townsend Professor, Yale Law School, on randomizing regulation. The William Maul Measey Professor Law and Health Sciences, University of Pennsylvania Law School, on add-on insurance products. Edward B. Shils Professor and Director of the Penn Program on Regulation, University of Pennsylvania, on taking regulation seriously. Professor, Syracuse University College of Law, on exempting White House review of climate change rules. Director, Regulatory Studies Center, George Washington University and former OIRA Administrator, on Congress’ need for regulatory review. Vice President, The Aspen Institute and former Member of Congress, on what’s wrong with Dean, Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs and former OIRA Administrator, on the myths of cost-benefit analysis. | Senior Advisor, Podesta Group and former OIRA Administrator, on what’s wrong with the REINS Act. Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, on remembering regulatory scholar James Q. Wilson. Dean, University of Maryland School of Public Policy, on applying James Q. Wilson’s understanding of bureaucratic breakdown. Commissioner, United States Consumer Product Safety Commission, on discarding the precautionary principle for consumer safety regulation. Professor, University of Pennsylvania Law School, on improving drug safety. Betts Professor, Columbia Law School, on the increasing burdens of impact analyses. DAVID VOGEL Solomon P. Lee Professor, The Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, on shifting US and EU regulatory precautions. Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission, on the |
We continue to grow thanks to the steady submissions we receive from our outside contributors, not to mention the ongoing coverage to all things regulatory provided by our talented and tireless team of student writers and editors.

Thank you for joining The Regulatory Review and the Penn Program on Regulation on our journey. We have some exciting developments planned for the future, and we look forward to having you return time and again.