Appeals court bars investors, Senate confirms SEC chair, and more
A federal appeals court determined that investors were barred from holding the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) liable for the agency’s failure to uncover Madoff’s fraud scheme.
The Chamber of Commercerecommended amending and repealing controversial provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act.
The Senateconfirmed Mary Jo White as chair of the SEC.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) announced plans to issue regulations requiring U.S. nuclear reactors to be more resilient to blackouts.
The Federal Reserve (Fed) Chair Ben S. Bernankeaddressed a financial markets conference on the lessons learned from stress testing banks.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued its annual report identifying areas where federal agencies can become more effective by reducing fragmentation and duplicative programs.
The Fed announced that payments to 4.2 million mortgage borrowers are scheduled to begin on April 12 as part of a settlement reached between thirteen mortgage servicers.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the the Department of the Treasury released the March 2013 Housing Scorecard.
President Obama sent Congress his Budget for Fiscal Year 2014.
A government watchdogreleased a report concluding that bailed-out banks have not made sufficient loans to small businesses.