The White House releases a report on climate change, a federal judge overturns a ban on handguns in public, and more…
- The White House released a report detailing projected economic costs of delaying action on climate change.
- A D.C. District Court Judge overturned a law preventing people from carrying handguns in public in D.C.
- The Department of Defense updated employment rules, rights and responsibilities for civilian employees.
- The Environmental Protection Agency announced a Clean Water Act settlement to prevent sewage discharges into the San Francisco Bay.
- UBS and Deutsche Bank disclosed they have received inquiries from regulators concerning their private stock trading platforms.
- Lloyds Banking Group agreed to pay over $380 million to resolve Libor rate manipulation charges.
- The National Labor Relations Board authorized fast food workers to sue McDonald’s for franchise owners’ labor violations.
- The Department of Justice and the FBI stopped a review of criminal convictions tied to an FBI lab, finding forensic errors spanning nearly two decades.
- President Obama signed an executive order overhauling rules for federal contracting.