RegBlog’s go-to source for learning more about recent auto safety concerns.
Ninety percent of Americans travel to work by car. In doing so, they rely on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to provide for the safety of motor vehicles and highways. However, after automaker General Motors (GM) reported an ignition switch defect that went undetected for over a decade, the Department of Transportation issued an audit report bringing to light problems with the agency’s defects investigation process and calling for reform. Both automakers and NHTSA have faced criticism over recently emerging defects, and a variety of groups and individuals have put forth varied and sometimes conflicting proposals for how to move forward.
The Regulatory Review has compiled the following set of resources for learning about the history of the GM switch defect, the response of various government entities, and next steps.
Department of Transportation, Office of Inspector General’s Audit Report
Department of Transportation: NHTSA’s Path Forward
House Committee on Energy and Commerce: Committee Report
GM Events:
NPR: timeline of history of GM’s ignition switch defect
New York Times: “Who Knew What When”
CBS News: Video explaining the defect
Detroit Free Press: NHTSA states Audit Report “triggered change”
The Detroit News: GM approves three new death claims to 124
Other Recalls and Fines:
NHTSA: U.S. DOT announces Fiat Chrysler enforcement action
NHTSA: U.S. DOT Fines Honda $70 million for Failing to Comply with Laws That Safeguard the Public
New York Times: U.S. Agency Sets Fines for Takata
The New Yorker: The Engineer’s Lament, Malcolm Gladwell
USA Today Editorial Board: Congress must help NHTSA turn car safety around
Car and Driver: Why NHTSA Is More Defective Than the Defects It Investigates, Clifford Atiyeh
Automotive News: Fixing NHTSA’s flaws is not NHTSA’s job alone
Consumer Reports: 4 Reasons Why the New Auto-Safety Bill Doesn’t Do Enough to Protect Americans
Background Academic Papers:
This resource list is the third installment of a three-part series, Getting Defective Vehicles Off the Road.