Peter Schuck reflects on the opinions of his book, Why Government Fails So Often: And How It Can Do Better.
I am very grateful to the participants in this series for both their careful reading and their incisive analysis of my book. They remind me that any critique of the government’s performance must take account of how difficult many of its tasks are (Professor Coglianese); that many of government’s perversities occur and endure because they benefit some organized interest (Professors Melnick and Schlozman); and that my book is perhaps unduly pessimistic (Professor Huber). As a bonus, I also gained some intriguing information about the Homestead Act (from Professor Garnett) and the Grand Canyon (from Professor Nagle). I urge the readers of this series to give serious attention to the excellent comments of these outstanding scholars. To have received their sustained attention and scrupulous reading of my work is a splendid and rewarding gift.
These remarks conclude The Regulatory Review’s seven-part series, Is Government Prone to Fail?