Using VSLs in State and Local COVID-19 Policy

Using VSLs in State and Local COVID-19 Policy

VSLs can serve as a foundational tool for policymakers at all levels of governance amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Analyzing COVID-19 Policymaking

Analyzing COVID-19 Policymaking

Experts assess the use of VSLs and benefit-cost analysis for pandemic decision-making.

Regulatory Intervention Beyond Fixing Market Failures

Regulatory Intervention Beyond Fixing Market Failures

Although regulation offers economic solutions, it can also safeguard the public interest and individual rights.

The Other CARES Act Funding Accountability Story

The Other CARES Act Funding Accountability Story

Agencies must ensure proper use of funds, but complex compliance rules may stunt noble policy goals.

Regulating Compliance Robots

Regulating Compliance Robots

Sometimes tax compliance robots follow the law, but sometimes they break it.

Dissing the Supreme Court

Dissing the Supreme Court

President Trump’s reactions to Supreme Court decisions threaten the legitimacy of the nation’s judicial system.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Court invalidates Labor Department’s interpretation of the coronavirus legislation, President Trump orders government agencies to prioritize hiring U.S. citizens, and more…

Regulatory Solutions for Personalized Pricing

Regulatory Solutions for Personalized Pricing

Scholars consider methods to regulate the practice of setting individualized prices based on personal data.

COVID-19 and Uncertainties in the Value Per Statistical Life

COVID-19 and Uncertainties in the Value Per Statistical Life

Uncertainties in value per statistical life estimates impact the extent to which COVID-19 policies yield net benefits.

Toward a “Unitary Executive” Vision of Article II?

Toward a “Unitary Executive” Vision of Article II?

The Supreme Court relied on misleading arguments and revisionist history to strike down the CFPB’s structure.

Regulation, Delegation, and the Affordable Care Act

Regulation, Delegation, and the Affordable Care Act

Empirical study of the ACA’s implementation provides insight into the delegation of policymaking authority.

Abortion Restrictions After June Medical Services

Abortion Restrictions After June Medical Services

A concurring opinion leaves the standard for determining the constitutionality of abortion restrictions in doubt.