The Regulatory Review celebrates its most widely read work published on the year 2017’s regulatory developments.
The past year has proven to be a significant one for regulation. In addition to the ongoing challenges that always confront regulatory decision-makers in a dynamic, global economy, this past year has witnessed a variety of major changes in technologies, business operations, and political priorities that have led to new challenges for regulators. In Europe, especially significant regulatory implications have followed from the United Kingdom’s Brexit vote, while in the United States, the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump has led to new regulatory directions.
At The Regulatory Review, we have the privilege, as well as the responsibility, to cover all of these regulatory developments each business day, seeking to clarify today’s vital issues and key debates over regulatory law and policy. As the year 2017 draws to a close, we would like to reflect on the many important regulatory developments in the United States and around the world by recognizing the most widely read work we have published this year.
This week, we are running a three-day series featuring our top essays from 2017 based on page views. We first highlight the 50 most widely read essays from this past year written by outside contributors, and then we highlight the 50 most widely read stories from this past year written by The Regulatory Review staff members. Finally, we recap all The Regulatory Review series published over the course of this past calendar year.
The past year has been a pivotal one for The Regulatory Review as we transitioned to our publication’s new name and rolled out a major website redesign, all while maintaining our longstanding commitment to excellence and clarity in the work that we publish. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our readers and all our contributors for their continued interest in the regulatory debates of our day by engaging with us at The Regulatory Review.
Best wishes for the new year.
– The Editorial Board of The Regulatory Review
Top Regulatory Essays of 2017
December 26, 2017
We are pleased to feature the top essays written by outside contributors in 2017, arranged alphabetically by last name of author, including Robert S. Adler’s “Enormous Benefits at Minimal Cost,” Jonathan Baron’s “Justifying Health Insurance,” Kami N. Chavis’s “The Future of Police Reform Under the Trump Administration,” and more.
Top Regulatory Stories of 2017
December 27, 2017
We are pleased to feature the top stories written by The Regulatory Review staff in 2017, arranged alphabetically by last name of author, including Alina Artunian’s “Regulating Short-term Rentals,” Benjamin Barsky’s “Curbing Prescription Opioid Abuse Through Insurance Regulation,” Thomas D. Campbell’s “When the Health Care Market Cannot Regulate Itself,” and more.
The Regulatory Review’s Series from 2017
December 28, 2017
We are pleased to feature the many topical series published in The Regulatory Review during 2017, including “The Department of Education’s Power to Cancel Student Debt,” “Regulating Police Use of Force,” “Assessing the Regulatory Accountability Act,” and more.