The Regulatory Review presents its leading essays from the past year.
Throughout the past year, regulators from around the world have faced pressing challenges posed by climate change, globalization, technological innovation, and immigration—to name but a few issues with implications for regulatory policy. At The Regulatory Review, we not only appreciate the privilege we have to cover these and many other regulatory issues each weekday, but we also feel the weight of our responsibility to do so. We seek each day to bring greater light to complex policy debates of great consequence for individuals and businesses.
As the year 2018 comes to an end, we reflect on the significant regulatory developments that have occurred in the United States and across the world by highlighting the most widely read essays we have published during this past year. This week, The Regulatory Review publishes a three-day series that features our top essays from 2018 based on page views.
We first highlight the 50 most widely read essays from this past year written by our contributors who are leading experts on regulatory law and policy. We then turn to highlighting the 50 most widely read stories from this past year written by our own staff members. Finally, we recap all of the special series of essays published in The Regulatory Review during this past calendar year.
We wish to thank our readers and our contributors for engaging with us, at The Regulatory Review, on the most pressing regulatory issues of our time.
Best wishes for the new year.
– The Editorial Board of The Regulatory Review
Top Regulatory Essays of 2018
December 26, 2018
We are pleased to feature the top essays written by our contributors in 2018, including Jonathan H. Adler’s “Shunting Aside Chevron Deference,” Daniel Araya’s “The Challenges or Cryptocurrency Regulation,” Reeve T. Bull’s “Uber and the Future of Regulation,” and more.
Top Regulatory Stories of 2018
December 27, 2018
We are pleased to feature the top stories written by The Regulatory Review staff in 2018, including Benjamin Barsky’s “Regulating the Antibiotic Resistance Crisis,” Nicholas Bellos’s “How to Regulate During a Financial Crisis,” Sara Bodnar’s “How Regulators Can Excel,” and more.
The Regulatory Review’s Series from 2018
December 28, 2018
We are pleased to feature the many topical series published in The Regulatory Review during 2018, including “In Pursuit of Regulatory Excellence,” “Regulation in the Trump Administration’s First Year,” “State and Local Regulation of Climate Change,” and more.