HIV treatment approval, e-rulemaking report, heavy truck fuel efficiency rules and more.
- The Obama Administration, in conjunction with the EPA and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), announced that tractor-trailer trucks will need to get 20 percent more miles per gallon by the 2018 model year, under the first-ever fuel economy rules for heavy vehicles.
- The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a daily dose tablet for treatment of HIV-1, the most common strain of HIV, in adults who are new to treatment.
- Due to the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) delay in issuing standards governing ozone pollution, environmental and public health groups asked the D.C. Circuit to set a deadline for the agency to act.
- The chair of the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) told Reuters that chemical companies need to make improvements to avoid “errors in the bread-and-butter issues of health and safety.”
- Under the Furloughed FAA Employees Compensation Act of 2011 introduced in the House, about 4,000 employees of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) would receive back pay for the two weeks they were furloughed.
- The Chinese government announced a suspension of approval of new high-speed railways in response to the July 23 deadly rail accident, but allowed construction of previously approved projects to continue.
- The FDA issued a warning about a fake birth control pill that may be on the market in the United States.
- A report to the Administrative Conference of the United States by Penn Law Professor Cary Coglianese surveyed federal agencies’ use of the Internet in the rulemaking process. The report recommended ways to improve how non-English speakers, vision-impaired users, and citizens with low-bandwidth Internet connections learn about and comment on proposed rules.