All Essays

Virtual Hearings in Agency Adjudication

Virtual Hearings in Agency Adjudication

ACUS assesses the changing landscape of how agencies use new technologies to hold hearings.

Can Netflix Win on Neutrality?

Can Netflix Win on Neutrality?

The growing popularity of online video streaming forces the issue of network usage fees.

Increasing Early, Transparent Consideration of Regulatory Alternatives

Increasing Early, Transparent Consideration of Regulatory Alternatives

Agencies can do more to disclose input on regulatory alternatives during notice-and-comment processes.

Stomping Out the Spotted Lanternfly

Stomping Out the Spotted Lanternfly

The battle against the spotted lanternfly is hobbled by regulatory challenges.

Pursuing Periodic Review of Agency Regulation

Pursuing Periodic Review of Agency Regulation

Periodic reviews of regulations can promote learning and improve policy.

The Need to Change Jurisdiction Over the U.S. Electric Grid

The Need to Change Jurisdiction Over the U.S. Electric Grid

When state and local voters prohibit clean energy transmission lines, they halt progress on climate change mitigation.

Improving the Management of Public Comments in a Digital Age

Improving the Management of Public Comments in a Digital Age

ACUS recommends best practices for how agencies manage mass, computer-generated, and falsely attributed public comments.

Improving Participation, Impact, and Fairness in the Administrative State

Improving Participation, Impact, and Fairness in the Administrative State

ACUS issues new recommendations to enhance administrative governance.

Paid Family Leave Is No Child’s Play

Paid Family Leave Is No Child’s Play

Experts examine the benefits and complexities of a paid family leave mandate in the United States.

Week in Review

Week in Review

OSHA requires companies to implement COVID-19 vaccination policies, FDA approves emergency use of a COVID-19 vaccine for children, and more…

Putting Brains on the Witness Stand

Putting Brains on the Witness Stand

Neuroscientific evidence in the courtroom may test judges and standards of admissibility.

Too Many Eyes on the Road

Too Many Eyes on the Road

Existing federal privacy laws may not cover data collected from autonomous vehicles.