All Essays

Debunking Disability Enforcement Myths

Debunking Disability Enforcement Myths

Misunderstandings about disability lawsuits subvert justice for people with disabilities.

Regulation and Disability Rights

Regulation and Disability Rights

Leading scholars discuss disability regulation’s accomplishments along with lingering needs.

Regulating Domestic Drone Use

Regulating Domestic Drone Use

Regulators struggle to balance privacy, security, safety, and innovation in drone regulations.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The White House plans chemical regulations and authorizes refugee admissions, FDA approves boosters, and more…

The Case for Local Control in Internet Regulation

The Case for Local Control in Internet Regulation

Scholars advocate an expansive role for local decision-making in internet governance.

Regulating Prison Labor

Regulating Prison Labor

Experts are debating whether current workplace protections adequately shield incarcerated workers.

Recentering Worker Welfare in the Breakup Debates

Recentering Worker Welfare in the Breakup Debates

Scholar shows how current antitrust remedies fail to consider effects on workers.

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Restrict Access to Fentanyl Test Strips

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Restrict Access to Fentanyl Test Strips

Pennsylvania law prevents people who use drugs from testing for fentanyl and avoiding overdoses.

How Will Health Care Regulators Address Artificial Intelligence?

How Will Health Care Regulators Address Artificial Intelligence?

Policymakers around the world are developing guidelines for use of artificial intelligence in health care.

Playing the Long Game Against Flood Risk

Playing the Long Game Against Flood Risk

Federal regulators must strengthen flood risk disclosure and create policies to confront climate change.

The Culture of Antibiotics Regulation

The Culture of Antibiotics Regulation

Scholars discuss the challenges of promoting antibiotic development and preserving existing drugs.

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Biden safeguards national monuments, a federal appeals court reinstates a Texas abortion law, and more…