All Essays

Zoning Changes to Create Affordable Housing

Zoning Changes to Create Affordable Housing

Scholars argue for “upzoning” to build more multi-family homes on land near transit stations.

The Limited Reach of the HIPAA Security Rule

The Limited Reach of the HIPAA Security Rule

A comprehensive legal mandate for health data holders could better protect electronic health information.

HIPAA at 25 Remains a Work in Progress

HIPAA at 25 Remains a Work in Progress

HIPAA has delivered meaningful benefits to consumers but still needs updating to address new and emerging privacy challenges.

Reflecting on 25 Years of HIPAA

Reflecting on 25 Years of HIPAA

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of HIPAA’s passage, leading scholars explore the law’s impact on privacy and health care.

Responding to Deepfakes and Disinformation

Responding to Deepfakes and Disinformation

Experts assess ways that regulation might respond to the problems of deepfakes and disinformation.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The Senate approves a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, the FDA allows a booster shot for vulnerable populations, and more…

Protecting Adjudicators From Political Threats

Protecting Adjudicators From Political Threats

Scholars argue that federal administrative law judges need more insulation from political pressures.

Can Municipal Broadband Networks Close the Digital Divide?

Can Municipal Broadband Networks Close the Digital Divide?

Local governments may be able to provide better internet access than telecom companies.

The Wild West of Fertility Clinics

The Wild West of Fertility Clinics

Legal experts argue that the fertility industry is largely unregulated and poses risks to patients.

A New Digital Age Privacy Protection Agency Holds Promise

A New Digital Age Privacy Protection Agency Holds Promise

The Data Protection Act of 2021 would strengthen public safeguards over big data.

The Future of Working from Home

The Future of Working from Home

Experts address regulatory implications of the transition to remote work.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The CDC extends eviction moratorium in some communities, the Labor Department rescinds Trump-era joint employer rule, and more…