All Essays

Calling It Quits on Oil and Gas Leases

Calling It Quits on Oil and Gas Leases

Scholars argue that the Interior Secretary has authority to terminate fossil fuel leases on public lands.

Publication of Policies Governing Agency Adjudicators

Publication of Policies Governing Agency Adjudicators

To enhance transparency, agencies should publish information about adjudicators on their websites.

Risk Regulation and Brazil’s Battle Against COVID-19

Risk Regulation and Brazil’s Battle Against COVID-19

Science is vital for effective risk governance but so too is public engagement.

Transparency and Privacy in Public Rulemaking Dockets

Transparency and Privacy in Public Rulemaking Dockets

A new ACUS recommendation seeks to balance transparency with privacy when agencies disclose rulemaking comments.

Improving the Accessibility and Transparency of Administrative Programs

Improving the Accessibility and Transparency of Administrative Programs

The Administrative Conference issues recommendations to enhance fairness and transparency in administrative government.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The Senate disapproves a Trump-era rule on employer discrimination complaints, President Biden signs law to combat hate crimes, and more…

Promoting Justice in Credit Markets

Promoting Justice in Credit Markets

Scholar recommends that regulators incorporate principles of distributive justice into credit markets.

Rescinding the Muslim Ban Is Not Enough

Rescinding the Muslim Ban Is Not Enough

Muslims and activists call on President Biden to protect Muslims against discriminatory federal practices.

How America Turns Competitors Into Colleagues

How America Turns Competitors Into Colleagues

The collaboration between pharmaceutical giants puts antitrust law at risk.

Celebrating Our 2020-2021 Editorial Board

Celebrating Our 2020-2021 Editorial Board

Thank you and congratulations to The Regulatory Review’s 2020-2021 Editorial Board.

The Urgent Need for Indoor Air Quality Regulation

The Urgent Need for Indoor Air Quality Regulation

New scientific research and the COVID-19 pandemic should trigger a paradigm shift in indoor air quality regulation.

Week in Review

Week in Review

FDA authorizes Pfizer vaccine for ages 12-15, President Biden announces cybersecurity enhancements, and more…