All Essays

Protecting Future Biodiversity

Protecting Future Biodiversity

Can the Endangered Species Act be used to protect future species?

Reconstructing Expertise to Combat Financial Risk

Reconstructing Expertise to Combat Financial Risk

Scholar argues that U.S. financial regulators need a revived research agency.

Federal Agencies Should Extend Pandemic Flexibilities for Opioid Use Disorder

Federal Agencies Should Extend Pandemic Flexibilities for Opioid Use Disorder

A new report offers recommendations for extending telehealth treatment of opioid use disorder.

The Role for Distributed Ledgers in Voluntary Carbon Markets

The Role for Distributed Ledgers in Voluntary Carbon Markets

Distributed ledger technology can facilitate more efficient and reliable carbon credit markets.

A New Reporting Structure for Bureau of Land Management Rangers

A New Reporting Structure for Bureau of Land Management Rangers

A Bureau of Land Management policy may weaken enforcement of federal laws and regulations on public lands.

Challenges in Regulating Digital Innovation

Challenges in Regulating Digital Innovation

Regulators around the world struggle to promote fintech innovation while limiting financial risk.

The Trump Administration’s Weaponization of the “Major Questions” Doctrine

The Trump Administration’s Weaponization of the “Major Questions” Doctrine

Deregulatory attacks have twisted a legal concept meant only to restrain extraordinary actions.

DeFi, Disintermediation, and the Regulatory Path Ahead

DeFi, Disintermediation, and the Regulatory Path Ahead

As decentralized finance projects eliminate the need for financial intermediaries, regulators may need to fundamentally rethink their approach.

Combating AAPI Hate

Combating AAPI Hate

Scholars discuss ways to recognize and address anti-AAPI sentiment and policies.

Week in Review

Week in Review

FDA considers expanding vaccine use to children, President Biden increases refugee admissions, and more…

Restoring Trust in the Media

Restoring Trust in the Media

Scholar argues for increased regulation of news media to promote fairness and objectivity.

Financial Regulation for the Digital Age

Financial Regulation for the Digital Age

Financial regulators must adopt new strategies to keep up with changing technology.