A Trojan Horse from the Court’s Conservatives?
Far from being narrow, the U.S. Supreme Court’s latest LGBTQ+ decision may threaten government’s overall regulatory authority.
“LGBTQ+ Need Not Apply”
In a ruling last week, the U.S. Supreme Court moved closer to allowing LGBTQ+ discrimination.
LGBTQ+ Rights and Regulation
In honor of Pride Month, The Regulatory Review brings together leading scholars to discuss LGBTQ+ regulatory issues.
Week in Review
The Supreme Court rejects a challenge to the Affordable Care Act, the Biden Administration releases its regulatory agenda, and more…
Human Rights Abuses at 30,000 Feet
Scholars document the abuse of noncitizens in airports and airplanes across previous administrations.
What If Your Pension Plan Participants Go Missing?
New guidance demonstrates how pension plans can keep better track of their participants.
Federal Courts Disagree Over Accessibility Online
Differing judicial positions on the ADA’s application to websites set up a potential Supreme Court case.
Something Fishy About Seafood Inspection
Government watchdog finds that FDA is not properly inspecting imported seafood.
Bringing Diversity to Californian Boardrooms
Two recent state laws seek to place more members of underrepresented groups on public company boards.
Land Reform Is America’s Long Lost Regulatory Frontier
A history of regulatory exclusion continues to encourage unequal access to land ownership.
To End Science Denial, Admit That Policymaking Is Not All Science
Failing to recognize the importance of value judgments in policymaking encourages anti-science attitudes.
Week in Review
FDA approves a new drug to treat Alzheimer’s disease, OSHA issues a rule to protect health care employees from COVID-19, and more…