All Essays

Having a Happy, Humane Thanksgiving Dinner?

Having a Happy, Humane Thanksgiving Dinner?

Facing a host of turkey products, ethically conscious consumers should research which kind of labels truly reveal humane practices.

Injecting Ethics Into Vaccine Mandates

Injecting Ethics Into Vaccine Mandates

Medical expert urges states to balance public health concerns with religious autonomy in creating vaccine policies.

Turning the Senate Blue and the Cabinet Red

Turning the Senate Blue and the Cabinet Red

President-Elect Joe Biden can flip the Senate by sacrificing his Cabinet.

Encouraging Efficient Errors in AI Technologies

Encouraging Efficient Errors in AI Technologies

Current tort law regimes fail to address nuances of AI innovation and consumer harms.

Reforming Federal Income Tax

Reforming Federal Income Tax

Tax experts discuss income tax law, loopholes, and policy proposals.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Pennsylvania Supreme Court holds that Philadelphia properly followed election law, FAA rescinds its grounding order for the Boeing 737 Max airplane, and more…

Climate Change, Migration, and Immigration Law

Climate Change, Migration, and Immigration Law

Scholar argues that the United States may need to amend its asylum laws to include climate refugees.

Regulatory Solutions to Climate Risk

Regulatory Solutions to Climate Risk

Experts argue that the United States can do more to reduce the risk of climate change on financial markets.

Are Confederate Monuments Set in Stone?

Are Confederate Monuments Set in Stone?

Historic preservation laws can hinder the removal of Confederate statues.

Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice?

Preserving Community and Neighborhood Choice?

Critics argue that the Trump Administration rule to protect suburbs will negatively impact fair housing.

Thinking Harder and Smarter About Wildland Fire

Thinking Harder and Smarter About Wildland Fire

As millions of acres burn along the West Coast, the United States must improve the way it manages forest fires.

Fair Family Planning

Fair Family Planning

Changes to Title X regulations could reduce low-income patients’ access to reproductive health care.