OIRA’s Impact on Rulemaking
Interest groups that lobby OIRA impact public policy, yet OIRA’s role as a regulatory gatekeeper remains understudied.
Tearing at the Mask of the Administrative State
How should actors within the administrative state grapple with the questions Black Lives Matter poses?
Deceptive Deregulation
The Trump Administration’s claims about its deregulatory accomplishments do not withstand scrutiny.
OSHA’s Role in Combating the COVID-19 Pandemic
More information sharing and enforcement by OSHA and state agencies could better protect workers from COVID-19.
Race Masked in Colorblind Administrative Procedures
The Supreme Court’s administrative law decisions allow racial animus to motivate policy choices.
Combating Election Disinformation
Experts recommend policies to contain the spread of online disinformation.
Zombie Laws Haunt the Energy Market
Scholar argues that energy regulations that once protected consumers now block renewable energy companies.
Week in Review
The Senate confirms Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, the Supreme Court declines to hear two election cases, and more…
The Past and Present of Racism in the Administrative State
Creating an anti-racist administrative state requires confronting and dismantling historic, systemic racism.
Small Businesses of Color Matter Too
Minority-owned businesses are vital to economic growth, but discriminatory lending hinders access to credit.
Federal and state governments should prioritize funding preventative services rather than adopting reactive child removal policies.
AFFH and the Challenge of Reparations in the Administrative State
Federal housing regulations reveal how the government has embedded racist policies in the administrative state.