All Essays

Racism, Regulation, and the Administrative State

Racism, Regulation, and the Administrative State

Leading scholars address the ways in which racism pervades the modern administrative state and legal profession.

Regulating Ghost Guns

Regulating Ghost Guns

Scholars discuss whether current regulations can effectively control 3D-printed guns.

Week in Review

Week in Review

FDA approves remdesivir for the treatment of the coronavirus, the Supreme Court allows the Pennsylvania mail-in ballot deadline to remain in place, and more…

Hate Speech in Context

Hate Speech in Context

Scholars argue that hate speech on social media can lead to violence and must be regulated.

No Such Thing as a Stigma-Free Lunch

No Such Thing as a Stigma-Free Lunch

Lawyer argues that state regulation is needed to eliminate local lunch-shaming policies.

Stress-Testing Solar Policy

Stress-Testing Solar Policy

U.S. policymakers struggle to keep pace with surging solar markets.

The Financial Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Financial Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 public health emergency poses unique challenges to financial regulation and future policies.

Regulating Prescription Drug Costs

Regulating Prescription Drug Costs

Experts consider how regulators can make drugs affordable without hindering research and development.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The Supreme Court declines to hear an abortion case, a federal court holds that the Bureau of Land Management exceeded its authority, and more…

The Nondelegation Doctrine Is Alive and Well in the States

The Nondelegation Doctrine Is Alive and Well in the States

The U.S. Supreme Court could take a cue from Michigan and other states on reviving the nondelegation doctrine.

Central Bank Digital Currency Is Inevitable

Central Bank Digital Currency Is Inevitable

Economist argues that central banks must issue digital currencies.

Health Care Coverage, Contraception, and the Court

Health Care Coverage, Contraception, and the Court

The Supreme Court upheld broad exemptions to employers’ reproductive health care coverage requirements.