All Essays

Is Corporate Criminal Punishment Just Another Cost of Doing Business?

Is Corporate Criminal Punishment Just Another Cost of Doing Business?

Entity-level fines may not adequately deter corporate crime compared to other enforcement mechanisms.

Law, Leadership, and Legitimacy in a Time of Disease

Law, Leadership, and Legitimacy in a Time of Disease

This publication’s COVID-19 series offers vital lessons about law and effective governance in response to public health threats.

Tracking Legal Responses to COVID-19

Tracking Legal Responses to COVID-19

The Regulatory Review’s extensive COVID-19 global series exemplifies Penn Law’s international and cross-disciplinary strengths.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The Supreme Court strikes down restrictive Louisiana abortion law, holds that the leadership structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is unconstitutional, and much more…

Managing Adjudicators’ Information Access in the Internet Age

Managing Adjudicators’ Information Access in the Internet Age

ACUS issues new recommendation to help agency adjudicators conduct online independent research.

Comparative Administrative Law Matters in the Fight Against COVID-19

Comparative Administrative Law Matters in the Fight Against COVID-19

The Regulatory Review’s global COVID-19 series offers valuable lessons that can help improve administrative law and policy.

Recruiting and Hiring Agency Attorneys

Recruiting and Hiring Agency Attorneys

ACUS recommendations seek to improve the processes for hiring government lawyers.

Portugal’s Response to COVID-19

Portugal’s Response to COVID-19

Timely and extensive interventions have facilitated Portugal’s success in addressing COVID-19.

Improving Economic Analysis by Reorganizing Agencies’ Economists

Improving Economic Analysis by Reorganizing Agencies’ Economists

An ACUS recommendation could help agencies better organize their economics staffs.

China’s Administrative State Is Both a Blessing and a Curse

China’s Administrative State Is Both a Blessing and a Curse

China’s approach to regulatory law has both helped and hindered the government’s response to COVID-19.

Identifying Agency Leaders

Identifying Agency Leaders

The federal government can and should do a better job of making basic information about high-level officials easily available.

Acting Officials and Delegated Authority

Acting Officials and Delegated Authority

Agencies should promote transparency about vacant and acting positions by making information publicly available.