All Essays

Regulation, Delegation, and the Affordable Care Act

Regulation, Delegation, and the Affordable Care Act

Empirical study of the ACA’s implementation provides insight into the delegation of policymaking authority.

Abortion Restrictions After June Medical Services

Abortion Restrictions After June Medical Services

A concurring opinion leaves the standard for determining the constitutionality of abortion restrictions in doubt.

Rethinking Benefit-Cost Analysis for COVID-19

Rethinking Benefit-Cost Analysis for COVID-19

The normative foundations of the value of statistical life render it an insufficient tool to analyze pandemic-related policies.

Court Weighs in on Pipeline Crossing Appalachian Trail

Court Weighs in on Pipeline Crossing Appalachian Trail

The Supreme Court rules that the Forest Service can approve natural gas pipelines crossing the Appalachian Trail.

Consumers Win Assurance of Important Protection From Securities Fraud

Consumers Win Assurance of Important Protection From Securities Fraud

The Supreme Court reaffirms lower courts’ ability to claw-back profits from violators of securities laws.

A 21st Century Update to Digital Copyright Law

A 21st Century Update to Digital Copyright Law

A recent U.S. Copyright Office report reviews a key provision of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Week in Review

Week in Review

DHS will reject future and pending DACA applications, President Trump signed executive orders to lower the price of prescription drugs, and more…

Does the Sharing Economy Share Too Much?

Does the Sharing Economy Share Too Much?

Scholar recommends consumer protection laws to combat misuse of data in the sharing economy.

Reason Trumps Pretext

Reason Trumps Pretext

Requiring government institutions to engage in reasoned decision-making mitigates actions made in bad faith.

The Administrative State Is Neglecting Regulatory Benefits

The Administrative State Is Neglecting Regulatory Benefits

Scholar argues for regulatory reforms grounded in an intense focus on net benefits.

DACA and the Limits of Good Governance

DACA and the Limits of Good Governance

Administrative law principles led the Supreme Court to deliver a victorious but unsatisfying and uncertain conclusion for migrants.

Co-Producing Safe Farmers Markets During COVID-19

Co-Producing Safe Farmers Markets During COVID-19

State and local governments should embrace farmers market managers’ input on food regulation during the pandemic.