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Regulatory Justification and Coordination in South Africa

Regulatory Justification and Coordination in South Africa

The government’s response to COVID-19 highlights the importance of expertise and cooperation in regulation.

Zoom’s Big Boom

Zoom’s Big Boom

A lawsuit brought under the CCPA may drastically alter the data privacy landscape.

How to End the Rent-Seeking in Climate Policy

How to End the Rent-Seeking in Climate Policy

Society should pursue bottom-up, market-based approaches to address climate change.

Israel Pushes Its Emergency Powers to Their Limits

Israel Pushes Its Emergency Powers to Their Limits

Israel’s executives have authority to combat COVID-19, but they appear to be abusing their power.

Regulating Rationing During the COVID-19 Crisis

Regulating Rationing During the COVID-19 Crisis

Regulators and policymakers review old rules and propose new guidelines for rationing ventilators.

Florida’s Unemployment Insurance System Breaks Down Under COVID-19

Florida’s Unemployment Insurance System Breaks Down Under COVID-19

Unemployed Floridians could lose weeks’ worth of jobless benefits they would otherwise be due.

The Supreme Court’s Doublethink on Arbitration and Administration

The Supreme Court’s Doublethink on Arbitration and Administration

Conservative justices embrace delegation to arbitration panels while questioning administrative process.

Regulatory Cooperation to Combat Public Health Crises

Regulatory Cooperation to Combat Public Health Crises

Promoting international agreements can enhance regulatory cooperation over public health.

Recent Developments in Artificial Intelligence Law and Policy

Recent Developments in Artificial Intelligence Law and Policy

A House bill on a national artificial intelligence initiative joins a wave of related AI developments.

Disrupting Administrative Law in a Public Health Crisis

Disrupting Administrative Law in a Public Health Crisis

Australia disabled fundamental checks on its regulatory system to respond to COVID-19.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Congress passes another bill to aid in coronavirus impact relief, President Trump tightens immigration policies, and more…

Rethinking the Regulation of Dog Breeds

Rethinking the Regulation of Dog Breeds

Municipalities must reexamine existing pet ordinances as a new state law takes effect.