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EPA Proposes to Accelerate Its Permit Appeal Process

EPA Proposes to Accelerate Its Permit Appeal Process

A proposed rule to speed up administrative decision-making could have unintended consequences.

ISIS the Art Dealer

ISIS the Art Dealer

Stronger regulations are needed to combat antiquities trafficking that finances terrorist activity.

The Long Road to SNAP

The Long Road to SNAP

U.S. food stamp programs grapple with a new wave of scrutiny.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The federal government relaxes regulatory burdens amid the coronavirus pandemic, states struggle to amend election rules, and more…

Proposal to Import Prescription Drugs Faces Criticism

Proposal to Import Prescription Drugs Faces Criticism

Critics of a proposed rule to import drugs from Canada cite safety concerns and other potential problems.

The Pandemic and Industry Opportunism

The Pandemic and Industry Opportunism

EPA fails to hold environmental polluters responsible during the COVID-19 crisis.

COVID-19, Domestic Violence, and Guns

COVID-19, Domestic Violence, and Guns

Trapped at home with their abusers, victims must rely on programs whose long-term funding remains in doubt.

FDA Versus Our Own Stem Cells

FDA Versus Our Own Stem Cells

The federal government seeks authority over stem cell treatments but risks thwarting medical advancement.

Moving Toward Comprehensibility in the Legal System

Moving Toward Comprehensibility in the Legal System

We need to extend and expand an overdue conversation about clarity in the U.S. legal system.

The Elusive Pursuit of Comprehensibility

The Elusive Pursuit of Comprehensibility

Simplified communication may not fix incomprehensible disclosures.

Natural Gas is Key to Addressing Climate Change

Natural Gas is Key to Addressing Climate Change

Natural gas continues to play a vital role in reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.

Unemployment and COVID-19

Unemployment and COVID-19

As the coronavirus pandemic hit the U.S. economy, over ten million Americans filed for unemployment insurance.