Trump’s Regulatory Budgeting Experiment Has Categorically Failed
The Trump Administration’s 1-in-2-out policy is more of an ineffective symbol than an action toward deregulation.
Before the Bedside Manner
Health care licensing regulators grapple with innovation, safety, and expertise when credentialing providers.
Week in Review
Congress passes coronavirus relief law, White House issues guidance on the outbreak, and more…
Will FDA Guidance Hasten Testing for COVID-19?
In the face of a massive viral outbreak, a federal regulator issues unprecedented guidance on validating COVID-19 testing.
The Regulatory Race Against a Public Health Crisis
The federal government responds to the coronavirus pandemic by amending its foreign quarantine rules.
The Value of a Statistical Life is Not Efficient
Over-reliance on the VSL measure often leads to excessive consideration and regulation of risk.
Efficient Risk Regulations Do Not Increase Risks
As a practical matter, the VSL is successful in balancing the benefits and costs of regulation.
Putting the Horse Before the Cart in Cost-Benefit Analysis
Regulators must measure welfare using transparent methods before determining the policies themselves.
The Long-Term Value of the Value of a Statistical Life
The VSL is necessarily based on market preferences that accurately reflect society’s valuation of risks and benefits.
The Myopic Short-Termism of the Value of a Statistical Life
The primary drawback of the VSL is that it fails to account for future generations’ valuation of benefits and costs.