All Essays

Will the White House’s AI Policies Lead to Permissionless Innovation?

Will the White House’s AI Policies Lead to Permissionless Innovation?

New artificial intelligence guidelines aim to improve oversight of growing automation in the United States.

The Jury Is Still Out on One-In-One-Out

The Jury Is Still Out on One-In-One-Out

The European Commission’s commitment to a new regulatory scheme risks misallocating resources and ossifying policy making.

Regulating Mobile Medical Applications

Regulating Mobile Medical Applications

As mobile medical applications continue to proliferate, regulators lack a solid framework for oversight.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Supreme Court removes stay on the public charge rule, WHO declares coronavirus a public health emergency, and more…

Federal Agencies’ Westward Expansion

Federal Agencies’ Westward Expansion

The Bureau of Land Management’s relocation sets the stage for other federal agencies to leave Washington.

The Little Health Bill That Could

The Little Health Bill That Could

A proposed law would reduce the amount households spend on health care each year.

Regulating Hemp

Regulating Hemp

After a long struggle, farmers will soon be able to grow industrial hemp in the United States.

Climate Change Necessitates Normative Change

Climate Change Necessitates Normative Change

Global warming poses unique threats that require paradigmatic shifts to solve.

Debating Independent Agencies

Debating Independent Agencies

The upcoming Supreme Court case challenging the constitutionality of the CFPB highlights modern debates about independent agencies.

The Tipping Point for Restaurant Owners?

The Tipping Point for Restaurant Owners?

Labor Department’s proposed rule would change how employers pay tipped employees for non-tipped duties.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The Supreme Court will decide whether employers with religious or moral objections can withhold contraceptives, President Trump expands the travel ban, and more…

Are Subprime Auto Loans Driving the Next Financial Crisis?

Are Subprime Auto Loans Driving the Next Financial Crisis?

Commentator argues that failure to regulate risky lending could lead to mass defaults.