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Drug Approval During a Public Health Crisis

Drug Approval During a Public Health Crisis

FDA’s approval of an Ebola vaccine can serve as a framework for drug development during other epidemics.

Rethinking the Value of a Statistical Life

Rethinking the Value of a Statistical Life

It is time to reconsider the value of the VSL in policy analysis.

Evaluating Soda Taxes

Evaluating Soda Taxes

As cities experiment with soda taxes, emerging scholarship reviews their impacts and efficacy.

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Trump delivers the State of the Union, “travel ban” expanded to additional countries, and more…

The Origins of GAO’s Ukraine Funding Report

The Origins of GAO’s Ukraine Funding Report

Government Accountability Office report on military aid reflects historical tug-of-war between Congress and the President.

Proposed Rule Seeks to Promote Value-Based Health Care

Proposed Rule Seeks to Promote Value-Based Health Care

Federal regulators seek to expand safe harbors for provider care coordination arrangements.

A Proposed Rule to Secure the Digital Economy

A Proposed Rule to Secure the Digital Economy

A Department of Commerce proposal would establish broad authority to block threats to digital security.

Proposed EPA Rule May Permit More Toxic Water Pollution

Proposed EPA Rule May Permit More Toxic Water Pollution

EPA’s proposed relaxation of a rule restricting water pollution from coal plants generates controversy.

Will the White House’s AI Policies Lead to Permissionless Innovation?

Will the White House’s AI Policies Lead to Permissionless Innovation?

New artificial intelligence guidelines aim to improve oversight of growing automation in the United States.

The Jury Is Still Out on One-In-One-Out

The Jury Is Still Out on One-In-One-Out

The European Commission’s commitment to a new regulatory scheme risks misallocating resources and ossifying policy making.

Regulating Mobile Medical Applications

Regulating Mobile Medical Applications

As mobile medical applications continue to proliferate, regulators lack a solid framework for oversight.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Supreme Court removes stay on the public charge rule, WHO declares coronavirus a public health emergency, and more…