All Essays

Reforming the IRB in Experimental Fashion

Reforming the IRB in Experimental Fashion

A new proposal seeks to reduce the time and cost of securing approval for human subject research.

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Trump signs animal cruelty bill, Massachusetts restricts vape sales, and more…

Resurrecting the Wild Turkey

Resurrecting the Wild Turkey

Regulation, combined with other efforts, has successfully repopulated wild turkeys in the United States.

Regulatory Learning Through the Rulemaking Process

Regulatory Learning Through the Rulemaking Process

An agency’s regulatory experience informs the development of effective future programs.

Regulatory Trial and Error

Regulatory Trial and Error

Trial-and-error decision-making could provide great benefits to regulators.

The Clean Water Act Might Just Survive This Latest Attack

The Clean Water Act Might Just Survive This Latest Attack

Recent U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments provide hope for the future of Clean Water Act enforcement.

Reinvigorating the Paperwork Reduction Act

Reinvigorating the Paperwork Reduction Act

Improving the management of federal information collection requires help from agencies and the White House.

Regulating Police Body-Worn Cameras

Regulating Police Body-Worn Cameras

Law enforcements’ expanding use of cameras raises questions over how to design programs governing them.

Week in Review

Week in Review

OMB published a list of all the major rules agencies would like to finalize in the upcoming year, Congress passes a bill supporting Hong Kong rights, and more…

Clinical Trials and Actuarial Judgments

Clinical Trials and Actuarial Judgments

Regulators should rely on both clinical and actuarial judgment when setting policy.

Random Audits and Regulatory Compliance

Random Audits and Regulatory Compliance

Random audit programs should prioritize transparency to enhance legitimacy and minimize reputational risks.

Randomizing Policy and the Risk of Multiple Hypothesis Testing

Randomizing Policy and the Risk of Multiple Hypothesis Testing

Randomized policy research should be pre-registered to reduce the chance of false positive results.