Week in Review
A federal court temporarily blocked the Biden Administration’s Keeping Families Together process, the Supreme Court partially reinstated Arizona’s proof-of-citizenship voting requirement, and more…
Howard Was Always There
Howard Kunreuther will always be with us through his research and his inspiration.
Working Across Boundaries
Howard Kunreuther exemplified the virtues of thinking beyond one’s own disciplinary boundaries.
The First Modern Behavioral Economist
In remarks delivered at a Wharton commemoration, a now-late Nobel laureate praises Howard Kunreuther’s pioneering work.
Commemorating Howard Kunreuther
The passing of Penn’s pioneering behavioral economist and risk expert prompts tributes from those whose lives and work he touched.
Mentoring for Good
Howard Kunreuther possessed an unparalleled optimism that he passed along to others.
A Tireless Risk Taker Who Brightened the World
Howard’s visionary approach to risk assessment made connections across disciplines from public health to climate change.
Regulating Agricultural Water Quality
Contaminated agricultural water is a well-known root cause of foodborne illness that regulators have struggled to address.
Regulatory Collaboration to Protect Public Health
Noah Aleshire, chief regulatory officer at the CDC, discusses the value of a collaborative and informed regulatory process.
Enhanced Regulatory Oversight in ESG Investing
Scholars debate the market impacts of ESG regulations.
Week in Review
FTC’s non-compete ban is blocked by federal judge, Department of Homeland Security implements Keeping Families Together program, and more…