All Essays

A Proposal for

A Proposal for

A centralized platform for rigorous policy pilots would encourage collaboration between agencies and academia.

How Can Experiments Play a Greater Role in Public Policy?

How Can Experiments Play a Greater Role in Public Policy?

Policymakers should take steps to ensure successful pilots can be scaled up effectively.

Using Rigorous Policy Pilots to Improve Governance

Using Rigorous Policy Pilots to Improve Governance

Scholars examine the benefits, challenges, and best practices of evidence-based policymaking.

The Next Generation’s Genes

The Next Generation’s Genes

Scholars are divided on how to regulate heritable genome editing.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Attorney General announces gun control plan, judge prohibits suspicionless laptop searches at the border, and more…

Financial Fair Play Regulations’ Unintended Effects

Financial Fair Play Regulations’ Unintended Effects

European soccer authority’s economic regulations create unintended losses for clubs.

Applying Judge-Made Law to Insider Trading

Applying Judge-Made Law to Insider Trading

Scholar argues that judges, rather than the legislature, should continue to regulate insider trading.

Relaxing Patient Privacy Laws to Tackle Substance Abuse

Relaxing Patient Privacy Laws to Tackle Substance Abuse

To fight opioid misuse, the U.S. government proposes expanding access to medical records on substance use.

The Hefty Price of Methane

The Hefty Price of Methane

New Zealand grapples with balancing agricultural interests when reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Can Regulation Promote Environmental Justice?

Can Regulation Promote Environmental Justice?

Scholars offer suggestions for how regulation can reduce disparities in exposure to environmental problems.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Trump Administration announces climate accord withdrawal, EPA proposes coal pollution rules, and more…

Will Steel Tariffs Mark the Demise of the WTO?

Will Steel Tariffs Mark the Demise of the WTO?

Scholar argues that Trump’s steel tariffs and the responses from other countries endanger the free trade system.