Week in Review
Federal court rules affirmative action at Harvard is constitutional, net neutrality rollback survives judicial challenge, and more…
Put the Phone Down
Scholar argues that the government should regulate app developers to prevent technology addiction.
Is Health Care Price Transparency Key to Lowering Costs?
A proposed rule seeks to force hospitals to disclose secret prices negotiated with health insurance companies.
Kavanaugh’s First-Year Report Card
In his initial year on the Supreme Court, Justice Kavanaugh’s performance on the bench appears balanced and deliberate.
Is a Ceiling on Regulatory Costs Reasonable?
Setting a regulatory budget at a cost of zero ignores evidence of regulation’s high return on investment.
Week in Review
Labor Department raises overtime pay cap, Third Circuit strikes down FCC regulation of media ownership, and more…
We Need to Talk About ICOs
Cryptocurrency experts critique the current regulation of secretive token sales.
Curbing the Spotted Lanternfly
Northeastern states are attempting to stop the spread of an invasive species that threatens crops.
Reforming the FCC’s Captioned Telephone Service Program
The FCC ought to consider new approaches to setting rates for captioned telephone service providers.
A Proposal to Help Congress Enact Civil Service Reforms
Congress and the White House should bring scholars together to craft a bipartisan solution to civil service challenges.
Week in Review
The Trump Administration seeks to prevent California from setting its own automobile standards, the FCC approves a merger that will create the largest television broadcaster in the United States, and more…
Automakers Prefer Self-Regulation to Regulatory Uncertainty
Faced with uncertainty over fuel economy standards, four automakers choose to support stronger government regulation.