All Essays

Curbing the Spotted Lanternfly

Curbing the Spotted Lanternfly

Northeastern states are attempting to stop the spread of an invasive species that threatens crops.

Reforming the FCC’s Captioned Telephone Service Program

Reforming the FCC’s Captioned Telephone Service Program

The FCC ought to consider new approaches to setting rates for captioned telephone service providers.

A Proposal to Help Congress Enact Civil Service Reforms

A Proposal to Help Congress Enact Civil Service Reforms

Congress and the White House should bring scholars together to craft a bipartisan solution to civil service challenges.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The Trump Administration seeks to prevent California from setting its own automobile standards, the FCC approves a merger that will create the largest television broadcaster in the United States, and more…

Automakers Prefer Self-Regulation to Regulatory Uncertainty

Automakers Prefer Self-Regulation to Regulatory Uncertainty

Faced with uncertainty over fuel economy standards, four automakers choose to support stronger government regulation.

Should Regulators Shame Companies into Compliance?

Should Regulators Shame Companies into Compliance?

Naming and shaming can serve as a legitimate, efficient, and democratic regulatory approach.

When it Comes to Federal Stem Cell Regulation, Less is More

When it Comes to Federal Stem Cell Regulation, Less is More

FDA ought to promote stem cell therapy by easing up on regulation and its aggressive enforcement.

Vaping Products Going Retro Through Regulation

Vaping Products Going Retro Through Regulation

The Trump Administration plans to eliminate flavored vaping products from the market.

How the Government Shutdown Turned into a Judicial Slowdown

How the Government Shutdown Turned into a Judicial Slowdown

Deferred maintenance of the courts is symbolized by failure to reach annual budgetary agreements.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The EPA loosens Clean Water Act regulations, attorneys general investigate Google for possible antitrust violations, and more…

Reboot Washington to Restore Honor to Public Service

Reboot Washington to Restore Honor to Public Service

Human agency is at the center of the solution to fix the government and the civil service.

Are Regulatory Agreements to Address Climate Change Anticompetitive?

Are Regulatory Agreements to Address Climate Change Anticompetitive?

A federal antitrust investigation of automakers cooperating with California probably has no basis in law.