Regulatory Solutions for Personalized Pricing
Scholars consider methods for regulating individualized prices based on personal data.
Week in Review
Democratic presidential candidates debate regulatory policy, DOJ approves Sprint–T-Mobile, and more…
A Pilot for Air Travel Savings
Scholar urges Congress to redefine common carriage to promote flight-sharing platforms in the United States.
Regulating Cryptocurrency
Scholar argues regulation is needed to address unbridled intermediary activity in cryptocurrency.
Regulating Genetic Self-Experimentation as Biomedical Research
Better oversight is needed of the “biohacking” that individuals perform on themselves.
EPA Will Say Anything to Avoid Addressing Climate Change
New carbon rule is entirely at odds with Trump Administration’s earlier rhetoric on the Clean Power Plan.
Week in Review
FTC announces a $5 billion fine against Facebook, USDA proposes a rule to end automatic SNAP eligibility, and more…
Labor Department Sides with the Gig Economy
Opinion letter finds a gig economy company’s workers are independent contractors.
Judicial Deference to Agencies’ Decisions in Brazil and the United States
American doctrines of judicial review may provide useful models for Brazilian courts.
Cost-Benefit Analysis According to the Trump Administration
Scholar argues that the Trump Administration has discredited cost-benefit analysis.
The Coming Decline of Anti-Regulatory Conservatism
The anti-regulatory effort constructed in the 1970s has influenced American society, but its own success may lead to its demise.