Flawed Rules Ensnare Marine Mammals
Scholar identifies pitfalls of marine mammal protections and pushes for coordinated global standards.
How the World Regulates Equity Crowdfunding
The experiences of five countries show that supportive regulation is the key to equity crowdfunding growth.
Considering Cumulative Regulatory Costs in Economic Analysis
The latest Economic Report of the President highlights the importance of studying cumulative regulatory costs.
U.S. Freight Customers Increasingly Taxed by Higher Rail Rates
Policymakers should promote competition to combat a rise in real rates paid by rail shippers since 2000.
Week in Review
President Trump sets a deadline for eliminating advisory committees, EPA repeals the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan, and more…
Will the Affordable Care Act Die by Non-Enforcement?
U.S. cities file suit to force the Trump Administration to keep Obamacare alive.
Combatting Climate Change with Human Behavior
Scholars explain the benefits of setting “green” products as consumers’ default option.
Police Departments Adopt Automated DNA Testing
Rapid DNA technology expands law enforcement’s ability to test samples, but also raises privacy concerns.
Giving Regulatory Cooperation a Reality Check
International regulatory cooperation agreements have not reached desired levels of effectiveness.
Week in Review
States file a lawsuit challenging the T-Mobile-Sprint merger, the Treasury Department closes a loophole in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, and more…
More Regulation Needed to Combat Risks From Cosmetics
Scholar argues that the association between cosmetics and femininity has contributed to harmful under-regulation.
The Potential Consequences of the Smoke-Free Public Housing Rule
Scholars argue that HUD’s smoke-free rule misses the mark in efforts to curb smoking.