Can Health Regulation Move Beyond Markets?
To improve the health care system, the values Americans have about health care must change.
Improving Front-of-Package Food Health Labeling
Food regulators in the United States should adopt smarter front-of-package labeling to encourage healthier eating.
Week in Review
President Trump asks to close a claimed asylum loophole, a major environmental case before the Supreme Court may settle, and more…
Modernizing the Human Subjects Regulations
Given its importance in scientific development, human subjects research requires close regulatory attention.
The Institutions for Mental Diseases Exclusion Rule is an Anachronism
The time has come for repealing Medicaid’s Institutions for Mental Diseases Exclusion rule.
Prescription Drug Affordability
The court ruling striking down the Affordable Care Act may get in the way of making drugs affordable.
Has the Supreme Court Endorsed the Use of Junk Science in the Administrative State?
A recent Supreme Court decision could allow courts to rely on dubious science.
Defining and Establishing Goals for Medicare for All
Although “Medicare for all” has picked up political traction, how it will materialize remains unclear.
What Tomorrow Holds for U.S. Health Care
Experts offer solutions to pressing issues in American health care.
Week in Review
The Supreme Court rules on class arbitration, the Department of State ends exemptions to Iran trade sanctions, and more…
Which of Trump’s Regulatory Reforms Are Likely to Last?
In its novel effort to bring independent agency regulations under White House oversight, the Trump Administration may have found a lasting legacy.
The Black Box of College Admissions
State legislators and the U.S. Education Department are scrutinizing college admissions practices.