The Trump Administration Targets Student Loan Protections
The APA is at the center of state efforts to challenge the Trump Administration’s education policy changes.
Reining in Technocracy to Increase Democratic Legitimacy
Reducing the power of technocrats will strengthen democratic legitimacy and political stability.
Negotiated Rulemaking and the Borrower Defense Regulation
“Do-over” of Obama-era rule shines a spotlight on alternative to notice-and-comment rulemaking.
Week in Review
Judge halts online release of blueprints for 3D-printed plastic guns, EPA and NHTSA propose modification of emissions standards, and more…
Cannabis Conundrums
Law and policy experts dissect the challenges created by divergent federal and state laws on marijuana.
Preventing the Sharing Economy From Abusing Your Data
Scholars argue that consumer protection law can address sharing economy firms’ potential to abuse information.
Cutting Through the Rhetoric of Cutting Red Tape
Regulatory counting paints a distorted picture of the costs and benefits of regulatory action.
A Real, Not Faux, Transparency Proposal for Regulatory Science
A real EPA transparency rule should be grounded in scientific practices, not constituency interests.
Pruitt’s Super-Polluting Parting Shot
Former EPA Administrator’s last action may foreshadow the agency’s future plans for regulating pollution.
Regulatory Reform Under Reagan and Trump
Reagan-era regulatory reform will help restrict rule rescissions under Executive Order 13,771.
Week in Review
Ninth Circuit rules Second Amendment protects right to carry a gun in public, DOE expedites permitting of natural gas exports, and more…
Inconsistent Views on Waiving Rights in Employment
The Court has set two different standards for when employees can waive their workplace rights.