All Essays

Hyping the Cost of Regulation

Hyping the Cost of Regulation

Regulatory action should be based on accurate estimates of regulatory benefits and costs.

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Trump instructs DHS to detain families together, Supreme Court rules SEC’s administrative law judges must be appointed, and more…

How to Regulate During a Financial Crisis

How to Regulate During a Financial Crisis

Scholar argues that financial regulators must be decisive yet agile when using imperfect information.

Science and Democratic Policy in a Data-Driven World

Science and Democratic Policy in a Data-Driven World

Public access to data behind regulations should not be a political question.

Deconstructing Regulatory Science

Deconstructing Regulatory Science

Proposed limits to EPA’s consideration of scientific data threaten timely, sound policymaking.

Increasing EPA’s Scientific Transparency

Increasing EPA’s Scientific Transparency

Despite concerns, environmental agency’s “transparent science” proposed rule supports existing guidelines.

Science, Transparency, and Environmental Policy

Science, Transparency, and Environmental Policy

Scholars and regulatory commentators debate the significance of EPA’s recently proposed “transparency” rule.

Week In Review

Week In Review

Merger between AT&T and Time Warner is cleared, U.S. Supreme Court upholds Ohio’s voter purge policy, and more…

More Permissive Zoning Codes Could Make U.S. Workers Richer

More Permissive Zoning Codes Could Make U.S. Workers Richer

Economists find that strict housing regulations may significantly lower U.S. gross domestic product.

Taking a Gamble on Casino Regulation

Taking a Gamble on Casino Regulation

Scholar argues that rulemakers can “nudge” gamblers toward more rational behavior at casinos.

Regulating the Antibiotic Resistance Crisis

Regulating the Antibiotic Resistance Crisis

Scholar praises a California law that widely eliminates antibiotics use in the livestock industry.

Negative News for European Union Bank Failure Board

Negative News for European Union Bank Failure Board

An audit report criticizes the Single Resolution Mechanism and proposes improvements for the EU banking union.