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Week in Review

Week in Review

House and Senate pass tax plan, European court rules that Uber is a taxi service, and more…

Federal Court Approves “Ballot Selfie” Prohibition

Federal Court Approves “Ballot Selfie” Prohibition

New York law banning photos of voters with their ballots survives constitutional scrutiny.

State Court Breathes Fresh Air into Pennsylvanians’ Environmental Rights

State Court Breathes Fresh Air into Pennsylvanians’ Environmental Rights

Recent state supreme court decision reaffirms and expands a constitutional duty to preserve natural resources.

Information-Based Regulation and the Search for Amazon’s Second Headquarters

Information-Based Regulation and the Search for Amazon’s Second Headquarters

Rankings for company’s new headquarters offer cautionary lessons about using rankings as regulatory tools.

Valuing Commentary

Valuing Commentary

Commentaries on new book reinforce its author’s call for strengthening the civil service.

Week in Review

Week in Review

FCC votes to repeal net neutrality, Trump Administration issues regulatory agenda, and more…

Reliance on Contractors is Likely Here to Stay

Reliance on Contractors is Likely Here to Stay

Policymakers cannot know whether the trend Verkuil identifies is good or bad, but we should find out.

Valuing Bureaucracy Is a Quixotic Project

Valuing Bureaucracy Is a Quixotic Project

Verkuil’s proposal for replacing contractors with professional bureaucrats is unlikely to be adopted.

Learning from Experience for Better Government

Learning from Experience for Better Government

Recent disasters suggest keys to good governance.

The Sunshine Act and Transparency at the FCC

The Sunshine Act and Transparency at the FCC

New practice of releasing drafts of proposed actions enhances the public’s understanding of agency actions.

Trump’s Red Tape Rollback

Trump’s Red Tape Rollback

The Trump Administration’s regulatory rollback highlights the opportunities and obstacles that lie ahead.

Of “Workarounds” and Bureaucrats

Of “Workarounds” and Bureaucrats

Civil service reformers should consider changes to lengthy, single-agency employee tenures.