All Essays

Warding Off Witch Hunting

Warding Off Witch Hunting

As sorcery and witchcraft-related violence increases, states and international actors seek to regulate.

Climate Engineering Could Reframe the Dialogue on Climate Change

Climate Engineering Could Reframe the Dialogue on Climate Change

New study explores the potential benefits, risks, and legal challenges of solar climate engineering.

The Future of Policing

The Future of Policing

Expert examines the regulatory challenges of robotic policing.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The CFPB decides to allow class-actions instead of requiring arbitration, the Senate confirms Neomi Rao as OIRA Administrator, and more…

An Empirical Analysis of the Establishment of Independent Agencies

An Empirical Analysis of the Establishment of Independent Agencies

A divided government may not fully explain the creation of agencies not directly controllable by the President.

Congress Rejects Teacher Preparation Reporting Rule

Congress Rejects Teacher Preparation Reporting Rule

Congress and President Trump use Congressional Review Act to rescind Obama-era education rule.

Solar Panels on a Border Wall

Solar Panels on a Border Wall

Economic, environmental, and policy considerations underlie the President’s “solar wall” proposal.

Constructively Improving Railroad Regulations

Constructively Improving Railroad Regulations

Rail safety can be improved by realigning industry and regulatory goals.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The D.C. Circuit rejects EPA’s delay of methane rules, the DOJ and Hawaii debate who should clarify President Trump’s travel ban, and more…

Rethinking Chemical and Pesticide Regulation

Rethinking Chemical and Pesticide Regulation

Study advocates for cumulative risk assessment mandates in environmental laws.

Voter Data Request Is Illegal, Not Just Controversial

Voter Data Request Is Illegal, Not Just Controversial

The Trump Administration’s information request violates a longstanding federal law.

Achieving Agency Compliance

Achieving Agency Compliance

Scholar examines the role of contempt findings in ensuring agency compliance with court orders.