All Essays

The Misguided Regulatory Accountability Act

The Misguided Regulatory Accountability Act

Bill aimed at regulatory reform would reintroduce burdensome administrative requirements.

Achieving Climate Change Goals Without the Clean Power Plan

Achieving Climate Change Goals Without the Clean Power Plan

Scholars argue EPA may already have the tools it needs to effectively regulate greenhouse gases.

The Role of Federal Judges in the Modern Administrative State

The Role of Federal Judges in the Modern Administrative State

Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation hearings offer a key opportunity to examine a judge’s philosophy on the judiciary’s proper role under the Constitution.

Week in Review

Week in Review

House delays vote on Obamacare replacement, Senate votes to repeal FCC privacy rules, and more…

California Extends Water Restrictions Despite Abundant Rainfall

California Extends Water Restrictions Despite Abundant Rainfall

Amid reports of record-breaking rainfall, regulators extend emergency drought measures for conservation.

Regulating a 3D Printing Revolution

Regulating a 3D Printing Revolution

New technology facilitates home creations and may lead to widespread copyright infringement.

Discretion and Judicial Review in European Environmental Law

Discretion and Judicial Review in European Environmental Law

Balancing the discretion afforded to multinational and domestic authorities presents special challenges to judges in ensuring effective application of European Union environmental law.

Systematic Study Shows Improvement in SEC Economic Analysis

Systematic Study Shows Improvement in SEC Economic Analysis

Agency sees increased effectiveness after incorporating feedback from courts and academics.

It Takes “Alternative Math” to Claim That Redistribution Is Futile

It Takes “Alternative Math” to Claim That Redistribution Is Futile

A regulation that provides a benefit in excess of a cost while helping the disadvantaged subsets of society should be seen as doubly wise.

California Moves to Make Sleeping Computers More Efficient

California Moves to Make Sleeping Computers More Efficient

New standards require computers to use less energy when not in use.

Encourage Vaping to Help Reduce Smoking

Encourage Vaping to Help Reduce Smoking

Scholar argues that governments should embrace vaping’s smoking-cessation potential.

Week in Review

Week in Review

House GOP unveils ACA replacement, Trump issues revised travel ban, and more…