Justifying Health Insurance
Scholar describes how the philosophy and economics underlying insurance policies can guide current debates.
Disability and Policing
Existing rules can help ensure police use best practices for interacting with those who have special needs.
Will the Trump Administration Drastically Deregulate Environmental Protection?
Initial signs suggest that drastic environmental deregulation looms, but there may be much less than the Administration envisions.
Reporting Police Force in the Digital Age
Technology can help address the dearth of data surrounding police use of force.
The Dangers of Stop-and-Frisk Policies
New York legislation that limited the reach of stop-and-frisk provides insight for lawmakers today.
Closing the Courthouse Door to Victims of Police Abuse
A number of Supreme Court doctrines make it difficult for citizens to sue police officers and their government employers.
The Stunning Triumph of Cost-Cost Analysis
Under President Trump’s executive order, the benefits of new regulations will play no role in regulatory decision-making.
Week in Review
Andrew Puzder withdraws his nomination to serve as Labor Secretary, President Trump uses the CRA to repeal regulations, and more…
How Transportation Safety Review Can Play a Role in Regulating Law Enforcement
An agency modeled after the federal transportation safety board could promote safety for the public and police.
Reviewing Police Use of Force Through Root Cause Analysis
More agencies are embracing a new kind of review focused on preventing future errors, rather than placing blame.
Regulating the Reasonableness of Police Violence
The legal standard governing police force provides inadequate guidance to police officers and the courts.
The Future of Police Reform Under the Trump Administration
Insights gleaned from past federal enforcement efforts can inform future locally driven improvements.