All Essays

It Takes “Alternative Math” to Claim That Redistribution Is Futile

It Takes “Alternative Math” to Claim That Redistribution Is Futile

A regulation that provides a benefit in excess of a cost while helping the disadvantaged subsets of society should be seen as doubly wise.

California Moves to Make Sleeping Computers More Efficient

California Moves to Make Sleeping Computers More Efficient

New standards require computers to use less energy when not in use.

Encourage Vaping to Help Reduce Smoking

Encourage Vaping to Help Reduce Smoking

Scholar argues that governments should embrace vaping’s smoking-cessation potential.

Week in Review

Week in Review

House GOP unveils ACA replacement, Trump issues revised travel ban, and more…

Bank Culture in the Trump Era

Bank Culture in the Trump Era

Three kinds of bank behavior contributed to the financial crisis, and President Trump’s personal business activities appear to support that behavior.

Evaluating Police Use of Force

Evaluating Police Use of Force

Some states are using regulatory approaches to ensure the accountability of law enforcement officials.

Strategies for Solving the Police Use of Force Crisis

Strategies for Solving the Police Use of Force Crisis

Former FBI agent outlines ways departments can reduce deadly encounters between civilians and police.

Penn Panel Addresses Police Use of Force

Penn Panel Addresses Police Use of Force

Criminal justice experts discuss improper use of police force—and also pose solutions.

Move Criminal Justice Forward

Move Criminal Justice Forward

The Trump Administration’s ill-advised “law and order” approach to policing should be eschewed in favor of procedural justice.

From RegBlog to The Regulatory Review

From RegBlog to The Regulatory Review

This spring, RegBlog will be changing its name and redesigning its website.

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Trump announces his intent to propose a budget, the Senate confirms four more Cabinet positions, and more…

Making Criminal Justice Pay

Making Criminal Justice Pay

Creative policy changes could re-center our criminal justice system.