All Essays

Restoring Pollution Prevention and the Concept of Positive Freedom

Restoring Pollution Prevention and the Concept of Positive Freedom

Scholar espouses a renewed focus on pollution prevention efforts, with an appreciation of government’s ability to effect meaningful reform.

Financial Regulators Take Stock and Look Ahead

Financial Regulators Take Stock and Look Ahead

Wall Street Journal conference in New York brings together prominent regulators and industry insiders for wide-ranging discussions.

Red Tape on the Upswing

Red Tape on the Upswing

Experts argue that the number and cost of regulations sharply rose in 2015—at a rate that has held steady in 2016.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The FCC passes new consumer privacy rules, HUD finalizes protections for victims of domestic violence, and more…

Valuing a Ton of Particulate Matter

Valuing a Ton of Particulate Matter

What is the cost of emitting soot into the atmosphere? The answer is unclear, yet it plays an important role in policymaking.

A More Holistic Definition of “Healthy”

A More Holistic Definition of “Healthy”

Regulator solicits input on a new rule defining when foods could be considered “healthy.”

Evaluating Germany’s Success in Regulating High-Frequency Trading

Evaluating Germany’s Success in Regulating High-Frequency Trading

Scholar argues that ambitious German regulation on computer trades, although imperfect, is beneficial.

Donald Trump, the “Workers’ Party” Candidate, on Regulation

Donald Trump, the “Workers’ Party” Candidate, on Regulation

Experts argue that Donald Trump’s focus on jobs and worker impacts instead of the application of the net social benefits test is imprudent.

Week in Review

Week in Review

DOI updates rules for oil and gas production royalties, 170 countries reach agreement to phase down the use of hydrofluorocarbons, and more…

Joint Rulemaking Aims to Green the Trucking Industry

Joint Rulemaking Aims to Green the Trucking Industry

New standards for heavy-duty trucks are expected to reduce emissions and allow the industry to keep on truckin’.

The Encryption Wars

The Encryption Wars

Federal and state legislatures explore ways to address encryption disputes.

The Home-Sharing Industry Attempts to Fight Off Regulators

The Home-Sharing Industry Attempts to Fight Off Regulators

The outcome of a lawsuit filed by Airbnb may define the regulatory limits of the sharing economy.