Week in Review
President-elect Trump announces choices for several Cabinet positions, DOI protects fossils, and more…
The Role for State Regulation of Energy Markets
Penn’s Kleinman Center for Energy Policy convenes energy policy roundtable.
Time to Get Graphic with Cigarette Labels?
FDA is years behind in its statutory mandate to put graphic warnings on cigarette labels.
Congress Takes Aim at Gag Clauses in Form Contracts
Bill would crack down on clauses that ban consumers from writing negative online reviews.
Week in Review
Federal judge declines to enjoin the Labor Department’s fiduciary rule, Senate passes bill to protect online consumer product reviews, and more…
The Race Question
OMB proposal to revise its racial and ethnic categories may better reflect America’s changing demographics.
Nudging Away from Personal Choice
Economist argues that energy-efficiency regulations are riddled with problems and espouses their elimination.
Currency Authority Proposes Ban on Bank Investments in Commercial Metals
U.S. banking regulator seeks to stop banks from trading in metals like copper and aluminum.
The Impact of Waiving Environmental Regulations
Recent PPR seminar examines effects on air quality and fuel prices from waiving environmental regulations.
Week in Review
A federal judge blocks the Labor Department’s overtime rule, the NHTSA delays a recall of airbags, and more…
For Agencies, Smooth and Safe Traveling Takes a Front Seat on Thanksgiving
Holiday marked by mass mobility prompts regulatory responses nationwide.