Do Environmental Regulations Really Work?
Scholars argue that environmental laws improve air quality despite increases in U.S. manufacturing output.
Filling Up the Gas Tank with Corn, Sugar Cane, and Wood
EPA moves to increase support for ethanol and other renewable fuels.
Hard Brexit Makes Hard Law for EU Financial Services Regulation
A hard Brexit may require an overhaul of the EU’s rules governing its relationship with non-member states.
The Uncertain Benefits of GMO Labeling
Scholar argues that regulators will have difficulty applying cost-benefit analysis to mandatory GMO labeling.
New Reporting Requirements Imposed on Treasury Market
In the wake of bizarre market behavior, regulators move to expand disclosure on Treasury trades.
Defining the Role of the Chief Information Security Officer
Agencies’ challenges with managing cybersecurity may prove instructive as New York unveils new cyber rule.
Is Government Truly Broken?
Citizens and their leaders must strive to work together to solve problems and improve social and economic conditions.
Do We Know How Risky E-Cigarettes Are?
E-cigarettes are less dangerous than is generally believed, posing a unique information challenge for regulators.
Week in Review
Donald Trump is elected President of the United States, states pass ballot initiatives on a range of issues, and more…
EPA Finalizes Latest Smog Rule
After a long battle, the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule receives an update.
President Obama Signs First Ever Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights
The bill begins to close gaps in state-by-state regulatory treatment of sexual assault survivors.