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Stricter Rules Bring Challenges but also Cash to Montana Day Care Centers

Stricter Rules Bring Challenges but also Cash to Montana Day Care Centers

State authorities revamp day care regulations to meet federal standards and remain eligible for funding.

The Future of California’s Water

The Future of California’s Water

A legislative committee report urges state regulators to seek alternative water sources.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Texas judge blocks bathroom guidance, NLRB rules that graduate students at private universities can unionize, and more…

How Should We Measure Terrorism Risk?

How Should We Measure Terrorism Risk?

A recent PPR seminar discussed changes in how our government analyzes terrorism risks.

Making Profits by Disrupting the Regulatory Status Quo

Making Profits by Disrupting the Regulatory Status Quo

Scholar explains the rise and expansion of startups that push the regulatory envelope.

China Addresses Climate Change in its Latest Five-Year Plan

China Addresses Climate Change in its Latest Five-Year Plan

In the 13th Five-Year Plan, China aims to fulfill its commitment in the Paris Agreement.

Teaching Regulatory Law Through Online Publishing

Teaching Regulatory Law Through Online Publishing

Students who participate in RegBlog gain in-depth knowledge about regulation and hone vital professional skills.

Week in Review

Week in Review

Navajo Nation sues EPA over toxic spill cleanup, EPA and NHTSA release new rule to reduce emissions from heavy-duty vehicles, and more…

Rethinking the Compliance Curriculum

Rethinking the Compliance Curriculum

Compliance classes should differ depending on students’ career paths and types of risks the class addresses.

A Different Approach to Teaching Regulatory Law and Policy

A Different Approach to Teaching Regulatory Law and Policy

Addressing how policy and law influence regulation is a critical—and overlooked—part of regulatory curriculum.

On Teaching Compliance

On Teaching Compliance

Compliance should be incorporated into administrative law as well as offered as a separate upper-class course.

Designing a Broader Regulatory Practice Curriculum

Designing a Broader Regulatory Practice Curriculum

Law schools need to create a comprehensive curricular path for students who are pursuing regulatory careers.