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Week in Review

Week in Review

Environmental Protection Agency finds that aircraft engine emissions endanger human health, Department of Transportation announces Air Transport Agreement with Mexico, and more…

Dispatches from the DNC – Day 3 Recap

Dispatches from the DNC – Day 3 Recap

Democratic leaders continued their push to unite the Party in the face of lingering frustrations among Clinton’s critics.

Ensuring a Fair Day’s Pay

Ensuring a Fair Day’s Pay

A new Philadelphia ordinance allows the city to take steps to stop wage theft.

Dispatches from the DNC – Day 2 Recap

Dispatches from the DNC – Day 2 Recap

In a unifying vote, Hillary Clinton officially became the Democratic Party’s candidate for President.

Regulating Weight in the Fashion Industry

Regulating Weight in the Fashion Industry

European countries have taken varied approaches to curtailing use of too-thin models—will the U.S. take action, too?

Dispatches from the DNC – Day 1 Recap

Dispatches from the DNC – Day 1 Recap

Following the fallout over a massive email leak, the Democratic Party sought to unite on the Convention’s opening night.

Big-City Rules, Without Any Rules

Big-City Rules, Without Any Rules

A reformer takes on a major city bureaucracy that has grown accustomed to informal lawmaking procedures.

U.S. Election 2016

U.S. Election 2016

The Regulatory Review unveils its special election feature, starting with daily, on-site reporting on the Democratic National Convention.

Improving Benefit-Cost Analysis by Making It Simpler

Improving Benefit-Cost Analysis by Making It Simpler

Earlier and less burdensome regulatory impact analyses would lead to more transparent, better regulatory decisions.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The DOJ asks the Supreme Court to rehear United States v. Texas, the Fifth Circuit rules against Texas’s voter ID law, and more…

The FCC Takes Steps Toward Unlocking the Set-Top Box

The FCC Takes Steps Toward Unlocking the Set-Top Box

Policy researcher argues that the FCC’s newest proposal for set-top boxes is set up to fail.

Executive Power After United States v. Texas

Executive Power After United States v. Texas

This closely watched case highlights larger lessons about the limits on executive power.