Nevada Rate Change Signals the Start of Larger Utilities Battle
A utility commission decision—criticized for discouraging solar energy—highlights challenges facing the electricity sector.
Move Over 4G LTE, Get Ready for 5G
Industry and regulators move forward on next generation wireless broadband.
Week in Review
President Obama releases his final regulatory agenda, the Supreme Court punts on the ACA contraception mandate, and more…
Washington State Adds Safety Rules for Trains Hauling Oil
Railroads face new financial and signage requirements in the Evergreen State.
Federal Government Allows College to Pay Clinton Campaign Intern
Federal Election Commission says that tax-exempt universities may provide cash stipends to unpaid campaign interns.
The Tragic Flaw of the Clean Air Act
Scholars examine the history and consequences of the Clear Air Act’s exemption of existing industrial facilities.
Robot Regulators Could Eliminate Human Error
Scholar examines what a world of regulation by robot might look like—an innovation that could be just around the corner.
Week in Review
The CFPB proposes rules to ban mandatory arbitration clauses, FDA regulates e-cigarettes, and more…
A Forecast of the Next Five Years in Regulation
RegBlog’s fifth anniversary prompts illuminating debate about the best path for future regulators.
We Need to Get Back to Work
Reviving our regulatory system should be a top priority for the next President.
What Will the Regulatory Landscape Look Like in 2021?
Regulatory priorities and strategies are likely to hold constant in the near future.