All Essays

Are Broadband Providers Putting Consumers’ Privacy at Risk?

Are Broadband Providers Putting Consumers’ Privacy at Risk?

Advocacy groups push the FCC to address data sharing among Internet companies.

Booksellers Challenge Internet Law

Booksellers Challenge Internet Law

Free speech group claims that a Louisiana law governing online content violates constitutional rights.

Rulemaking’s Puzzles

Rulemaking’s Puzzles

Study explains increase in regulation despite supposed rulemaking ossification.

Week in Review

Week in Review

President Obama nominates Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, the DOI proposes a leasing program for offshore oil and gas exploring, and more…

Do Entry Regulations Promote Income Inequality?

Do Entry Regulations Promote Income Inequality?

Think-tank study finds correlation between income disparity and regulations affecting new businesses.

Improving the Tax Whistleblower Program

Improving the Tax Whistleblower Program

GAO report recommends a faster claims process and protection against employer retaliation.

The Origins and Outcomes of the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal

The Origins and Outcomes of the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal

Institute for Law and Economics panel examines the automaker’s corporate culture and regulatory violations.

Better Policy Analysis Makes for a Better World

Better Policy Analysis Makes for a Better World

Combining better analysis with more meaningful participation will improve policy decisions.

Week in Review

Week in Review

The U.S. and Canada announce joint climate change initiatives, the FCC Chairman proposes Internet privacy protections, and more…

Creating Guidance for an Invisible Threat

Creating Guidance for an Invisible Threat

FDA issues new guidelines to medical device manufacturers to mitigate cybersecurity concerns.

Hoverboard Regulations Attempt to Balance Safety and Fun

Hoverboard Regulations Attempt to Balance Safety and Fun

Philadelphia City Council considers hoverboard restrictions for young users.

Implementing the Volcker Rule’s Backstop Provisions

Implementing the Volcker Rule’s Backstop Provisions

Lawyers propose strategies for regulators in implementing often-overlooked Volcker Rule provisions.